Banglalink 18 TK 1GB 7 Days (2023 Code)

Banglalink 18 TK 1GB 7 Days

Banglalink has a lot of users out there. If you are also connected with the popular network called Banglalink, 18 TK 1GB 7 Days offer is only for you. The good news is that it has more than enough validity.

In this article, I’m going to share with you everything about this pack. You will get the USSD code to start the campaign and balance checking code.

Banglalink 18 TK 1GB 7 Days Pack

Although the offer is not released for all but it got popularity. You can get the offer by dialling if you are eligible to enjoy. Sometimes it doesn’t appear on the offer option; but can be purchased. That’s why we have written the article.

1 GB 18 TK USSD Code

If you are ready to continue with the pack, this section will let you know everything.

To avail this offer, you have to dial *888# and find out the exact pack. Then continue with this and buy the pack pressing 1 from the confirmation screen.

When you have done, a reply message comes up with confirmation. To check out the remaining balance, users have to dial *5000*500#.

Terms and Conditions

Before buying a pack it’s essential to read out the terms. Here I have also mentioned a list of that from where you will take decision whether to purchase or not.

  • The pack may not applicable for all
  • You have to purchase from Banglalink Amar Offer
  • Dial *888# to See the options
  • User has to dial *5000*500# to check the balance

This is all about BL 1 GB 18 TK offer and it’s dial code. Hopefully, you can enjoy it. If there is any problem, feel free to share with us by commenting below.

4 thoughts on “Banglalink 18 TK 1GB 7 Days (2023 Code)”

    1. Because you are not eligible. This offer is only for certain period. You can get the offer again talking with customer care.

  1. আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম আমার বাংলালিঙ্ক সিমে কয়েক দিন আগে একটা অফার ছিল 2gb 31 টাকা এবং 1gb 21 টাকা এবং 5gb 79 টাকা এই তিনটি অফার আমার বাংলালিংক ফোরজি সিমে ছিল প্রায় এক মাস হয়ে গেল এই অফার গুলো এখনো আসে নাই তাই প্লিজ এই তিনটি অফার বাংলালিনক 4g তে আবার সেট করে দিন প্লিজ দয়া করে এই তিনটি অফার তাড়াতাড়ি সেট করে দিন প্লিজ দিয়ে দিন ……………আসসালামু আলাইকুম ওয়া রাহমাতুল্লাহ

    1. সব অফার সব সময় সবার জন্য থাকেনা। আপনি *৮৮৮# ডায়াল করে আপনার সেরা অফারটি উপভোগ করতে পারবেন।

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