Teletalk Balance Transfer Code 2023

Teletalk Balance Transfer Code

Nowadays, most people use Teletalk Sim in Bangladesh. Teletalk operators provide many offers for their customers. The mobile phone is a part of our life in the present years. People maintain many works by mobile. We can also communicate with relatives and family members who are living far away from us.

For this reason, mobile balance is also an essential thing so that we can talk every day. Sometimes our mobile balance is over, and the shop is closed where you can recharge your mobile account. When you face this kind of problem, Teletalk brings an offer which name is Teletalk Balance Transfer.

It helps you get the balance from your family members or close ones who have a Teletalk Sim. Teletalk Balance transfer is not hard work. It is an easy process to transfer the balance from one Teletalk Sim to another Teletalk Sim. When your close one needs money on their mobile, you can follow some rules and steps to transfer the balance.

For knowing all of these, the article is for you, and you can get proper instruction. 

Balance Transfer Code

You can use the Balance Transfer service by dialing short code *124* Pin*Amount* receiver’s mobile number#. Suppose the receiver number is 015XXXXXXXX. For example:

  • All the customers who have a Teletalk Sim are capable of this service.
  • Go to your mobile keypad. Then you have to dial USSD code *124*Pin*Amount*MSISDN#
  • All prepaid customers transfer the balance.

Terms and Conditions

  • Must be transferred prepaid Teletalk number to prepaid Teletalk number.
  • The minimum transfer balance is 10 taka.
  • The maximum transfer balance is 50 taka.
  • The limited balance is 500 taka per day.
  • The limited monthly amount is 1000 taka.
  • Maximum ten times is limited per day.

To transfer balance, some steps are given above. Hopefully, It’s good enough and no more information is required for that. If you want to know further info, feel free to comment below.

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